I have heard there was an ancient Chinese curse
that went, “May you live in interesting times.”
In researching the origins of this saying, I came across not only some doubt as to how ancient or authentically Chinese it is, but also, remarkably at this time, a reference to Hilary Clinton having used it in her autobiography! (http://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/12/18/live/ accessed November 10th, 2016)
In researching the origins of this saying, I came across not only some doubt as to how ancient or authentically Chinese it is, but also, remarkably at this time, a reference to Hilary Clinton having used it in her autobiography! (http://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/12/18/live/ accessed November 10th, 2016)
"There's an old Chinese curse, 'May you live in interesting times,' that became a running joke in our family. Bill and I would ask each other, 'Well, are you having an interesting time yet?'"
What seems indisputable is that we do, indeed, live
in interesting times, not necessarily in ways you may have hoped or expected
them to be interesting!
As I write this, people across the world are
reeling in shock at the outcome of the American elections two days ago. It
seems that no one, not even Trump supporters, expected this outcome. Whatever
your political leanings may be, it is possible that you are part of this
international shock wave!
We have entered a new phase of the unknown. How
does that affect you? A common reaction to the unknown is fear, but other
feelings may accompany it.
For me, there have been powerful waves of sadness,
as well as shock. I feel I have witnessed a loud exclamation of the fear
impulse through this election process. Living in the UK, I am only too aware of
this coming on the heels of another shocking event, when the recent referendum
here initiated Brexit. How much change can we tolerate?
In the midst of the news shocks, I observe an
unexpected flowering of the plant in my kitchen. I return to my ongoing
enquiry: How can I meet what arises with an open, compassionate heart? I share
this question with you now.
As the unknown raises its face before ours, we are
forced to see what may have previously been in shadow. We must find our balance
again as the waves of political or other storms increase their force. How
firmly can we rest, even in these moments, in a resilient foundation of love
and compassion?
For me, my Continuum Movement practice and
meditation practice help me maintain or access equilibrium. I return to the
stillness at the heart of the storm.
As I observe the voices of bigotry, ignorance,
fear, violence and hatred rising, I am reminded of advice received many years
ago. You may have heard it, too. It goes something like this: If you are faced
with bullies, powerful or potentially abusive or dangerous people, try seeing
them as toddlers in diapers.
We were all little once. Our little ones continue
to live within us. They may or may not have received the support, protection,
love, reflection, acknowledgment and appreciation they needed back then. Where
they were not adequately received and held, their needs persevere, continuing
to seek what they need in every interaction. This is true for the big, powerful
politicians, as well as everyday people just doing our best to live our lives.
How can we acknowledge and meet these little ones now?
I find my little one resonating with the fear in
the larger world field in these times. Remembering that I have already survived
my childhood, I acknowledge her fear, hold her tenderly in my heart, and feel
the love hormone, oxytocin, growing within me. From this place, I can breathe
more easily into my heart, and send the loving, healing intentions out to those
on the planet less able in this moment to access this natural, essential state
of love and being.
I can only hope this practice benefits the world,
facilitating peace, health and happiness for all beings.
How do you cope with these interesting times?
* Please note that this blog will be moving to my new website at www.birthingyourlife.org. Please visit my new site and let me know how you find it!