Welcome to my blog!

We find ourselves in challenging times. To meet them more easily, I believe involves challenging ourselves to move beyond old, established habits and patterns.

Perhaps I am a bit late fully entering into the 21st century by starting my blog now, in 2010! In that my work and message has so much to do with slowing down and settling into a deeper knowing beyond and prior to our cultural modes, it may be appropriate to step extra slowly into the world of blogging and other cyber realities.

I suspect that, if you are drawn to my blog and the words here, you may also value this slower, deeper state we are all capable of. I invite you to read on and regularly, and hope the words below can support you in enhancing your ability to be, even in the midst of all the doing required in our modern world.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

It is Spring!

It is spring! The bulbs in front of my studio are presenting their colorful flowers for the first time since the studio was completed just as the darkness of winter was descending.

A few days ago I received an email from a Continuum Movement teacher, acknowledging the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. She wrote that it was just before Passover officially began last year, that our dear mentor, Emilie Conrad, founder of Continuum, passed away. In our modern calendar, the date was April 14th. The teacher pointed out that Passover marks the passage of the Jews out of their life of slavery in Egypt. The waters parted for them to cross over the river into the wide open future of the unknown. This is freedom! She noted that the Hebrew word for Egypt implies narrowness. Liberation from slavery opened previously unavailable possibilities, a true widening of potential.

As I read the email, I began to think about Easter, as Good Friday was about to happen. I thought about how Jesus died on that day, and how on Easter Sunday a great miracle followed, as unexpected, unhoped for life came forth. This is spring!

We think of spring as being about new beginnings, new growth; yet, each birth involves a death. Spring can only come forth when winter dies! When we are born, our life in the womb ends. When a dear one passes on, we grieve and our hearts potentially open in new ways.

Perhaps, at this time of year, we can be reminded of our original potential, still waiting to be tapped. Anything is possible. It is spring! New birth is everywhere; why not in ourselves?

As I move into spring, I notice my tendency to try to do too much, threatening my health and well-

being. As much as I love all my work, I am reminded of the need for rest, for practicing what I preach! I am so fortunate to be immersed in a life of teaching people how to slow down and be present, reminding me repeatedly of the need and possibility to do the same.

Every time I give a Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy session, I am supported by the presence of what we call the Breath of Life in meeting the miraculous nature of our being. Every time I teach a Continuum class, I am blessed to feel the cells in my body breathing, the tissues letting go, the spaciousness and fluidity of being welling up within me. With every client session and workshop addressing early prenatal and birth trauma, I feel grateful to have this awareness of how our early wounding can occlude our potential, and how we can return to it through awareness.

This ode to spring is sounding like a Thanksgiving note! How can I not be grateful? Will you join me? Happy Spring!